Lilly + Josh + annie’s idea for a nice restaurant
Fairy Fluff Cafe
It’s basically the rainforest cafe but there should be more of them, locally owned, with directions to nearby wildlife preserves
What’s this company?
What’s a fair business plan, cafe owners?
No idea because I am sadly an American citizen not a corporation. This means I must remain continuously employed or risk MEDICAL BANKRUPTCY which is a thing that exists because America ain’t shit. It’s a COMPANY TOWN where we have only the right to work until we drop down or “retire.”
so we have the right to fall over dead at our desks.
If you want to own a cafe with fluffy animals that live happy lives, please help me figure out a fair business plan. I don’t even know how franchises work so I am just parking this page here.
What will this be?
A Nice Co-Op Business
You own your cafe. I don’t have enough money to fund many businesses, but if you need a page-parker for now I can probably get some loans later on.
I need some legal and capital help but I would be happy to be your FAKE CEO meaning if people harass your workers I will yap at them that harassment is bad.
If this idea really works out well, we can help some families who lost their restaurants recently open their businesses back up. Restaurant owners should be able to afford their own buildings! If rent didn’t cost infinity dollars here restaurant owners would own their blocks and they would indeed care a lot about keeping the block safe.
Now, we’d still need a police force but everyone’s jobs would be easier. Restaurant owners could yell, scold, and otherwise not-police-ishly warn people not to do bad things about minor offenses.
(Everyone I know in NYC thinks this too. I made a website with fluffy animal pictures on it.)